Julie with a B

Sunday, February 20, 2005
More on Bloggers and the MSM
Jay Rosen has a fairly consistent un-biased discussion about Bloggers and the MSM that was spun off of the Eason Jordan situation. I find it interesting in that he talks about both the positive and the negative of the blogging world. Here is the lead in to his article, but be sure to go to his place and read the whole thing.

Will Collier E-Mails With a Question

And I ask one back: Is the point to have a dialogue with the MSM or cause its destruction? Please advise.

Will Collier from VodkaPundit e-mails:

Jay, a serious question. When a former Philadelphia Inquirer managing editor and current managing editor of the Columbia Journalism Review's website refers to presumably-conservative critics of Eason Jordan as "salivating morons" constituting a "lynch mob" of "Liliputians," doesn't that suggest that the "hate" between conservatives and the MSM at the very least runs both ways?

--Will Collier (see his reply to Lovelady.)

If your point is "this is not a one-sided transaction," yes. Runs both ways, but not in a tit for tat manner. Steve was definitely saying: I have contempt for... He would tell you that, I think.

Here's another read. Lovelady was acting like bloggers do-- but also letter writers to Romenesko. He e-mailed his reaction, which was one part emotion, one part attitude, and one part argument.

Did he follow it up by engaging in dialogue at your blog? (He did, with the same "attitude" but not only that.) Did he cause reaction, get people to talk back? (It's good blogging.)

Read the rest...


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