Monday, March 14, 2005
Blogging and source protection...
Listened to a great program on NPR on my way to work. (Yes, this is California, so I listen to NPR. Fine.) The question came up, “Are Bloggers journalists?” How do you define a journalist? One commenter said that a journalist was someone who wrote about events for a living, i.e. he is paid full-time. Of course this doesn’t fly because many journalists don’t work full time but write a column, or sell their work free-lance, or receive some type of part time pay. Ah, but the fellow from Stanford, says that the First amendment was not intended for journalists but for the pamphleteers, who could be defined as the “Bloggers” of the 18th century. They published and posted pamphlets that were handed out and nailed to the wall of the taverns about town. Ergo, it covers bloggers. Should bloggers have the same protection for the source of any news that they post? |