Julie with a B

Monday, April 25, 2005
The WaPo blogger...
I have been enjoying reading Howard Kurtz. His focus is on what is brewing in the blogs.

Today he has a bit on Drudge. Kurtz's summation of Drudge is that he's a lot like the Enquirer always with hints, pokes, often with only bits of "truth", but pulling a tremendous amount of traffic to the advertisers on his site. He ends with:

"What Drudge provides, by constantly trolling for tidbits and titillation, is one man's eccentric take on the news, feverishly updated so that people keep clicking back. "There so much freaking information out there," he says. "There's clutter danger, no doubt about it." He says he's not bored but understands he's no longer a novelty.

"At some point you still become old. People may grow tired of the Drudge sensibility."

Footnote : Drudge later zinged Time by quoting his friend Coulter as saying her cover photo -- in which her legs took up half the page -- was distorted. But Executive Editor Priscilla Painton says Coulter went through the photographer's portfolio in advance: "She has great looks. She has great legs. She has great ankles. All of that was on full display on the cover. Lots of women would kill for that kind of display."

Kurtz also talks about a couple journalists who have been removed from their respective jobs for bad, sloppy, or un-researched reporting. Hmmm. Sort the journalist pointing out the flaws of other MSM journalists...

His commentary includes discussion of Bolton and GOP woes and he quotes Josh Marshall and Belgravia Dispatch in the process.

He seems to have a fairly even handed Left/Right commentary. The MSM taking the blogger bull by the horns?


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