Julie with a B

Saturday, June 04, 2005
Idiocy in Education
There are many issues confronting education in California. Money for a growing educational system, aging falling down schools, lack of qualified teachers. But what pops out of the legislature? Textbooks are now limited to 200 pages. Yup, that's right! Because, after all, this information can be found on-line, why spend money on huge textbooks? Never mind that many kids, particularly in rural outreaches have no internet access. Oh, sure, if your local public library is still open you could stand in line for access.
But Assemblywoman Jackie Goldberg, a Los Angeles Democrat who chairs the Assembly Education Committee, said critics are thinking too narrowly.

California schools are teaching kids with the same kinds of massive books that were used generations ago, though the world has changed significantly, Goldberg said.

The workplace increasingly demands more than the ability to read Page 435 of some manual.

It requires expertise in using the Internet to research and solve problems, according to Goldberg.

"Our textbooks are not going to be able to meet that standard," said Goldberg, a former Compton high school teacher. "I think it's time for us to begin to approach the problem in a different way."

AB 756 would force publishers to condense key ideas, basic problems and basic knowledge into 200 pages, then to provide a rich appendix with Web sites where students can go for more information.
. . .

Michael Kirst, a Stanford education professor and co-director of Policy Analysis for Education, said he's never heard of any such bill nationwide.

"There's no track record that anyone can draw on," he said.

One key question, he said, is whether a 200-page limit would be equally practical for every subject - from math to social science.

"And you'd have to know how aligned the materials are on the Internet with our education standards," he said. "I don't know that anybody has done that."

From the Sacramento Bee.

What planet does this woman live on? How about the legislators that voted for it?


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